
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Jet Brains RubyMine v2.0.2 Windows/MacOSX/Linux!

JetBrains RubyMine is a full-featured development environment for creating applications based on popular technologies Ruby and Ruby on Rails. The product has the potential development of web-based application environment IntelliJ IDEA and includes unique new tools creating web-based projects platforms Ruby and Rails.
RubyMine favorably with other IDE for Ruby on a number of parameters. First, RubyMine conducts in-depth analysis of the code and is able to show types of local variables and types of values returned by methods. This is to ensure high quality mechanisms refactoring, code completion and validation. Secondly, RubyMine supports Ruby On Rails. And support for Rails is built on the lowest level. Refactoring tools, taking into account the structure of Rails-applications, a separate form for viewing the structure of Rails-project, special means of navigation, Rails-console, support RHTML and YAML and so on. In addition, RubyMine supports a variety of technologies directly related to the Ruby-development: RSpec, Cucumber, Rake, Test:: Unit, Test-Spec. Finally, RubyMine not only supports Ruby, but also other languages used in web application development, - HTML, CSS, javascript, XML. Supporters at a good level, with the means of refactoring and code analysis. In other words, for the Rails-developer RubyMine - a valuable tool.

Wednesday RubyMine provides effective tools for development, the relevant linguistic features of the platform Ruby and promoting the integration of the dynamic nature of the language and made it the standard methods of work. Wednesday RubyMine enables comprehensive analysis of the project code, offering developers a consolidated overview of the code and the unique features of auto-complete language constructs. Product RubyMine offers a wide range of algorithms refactoring, allowing for the Platform Rails, which greatly facilitates the editing of code and accelerates the product development process. Environment includes the possibility of easy conversion code HTML, CSS and javascript.

Development environment RubyMine supports integration with version control systems code, including the platform Subversion, Git, Perforce and CVS. Graphical debugger for Ruby and Rails allows you to set breakpoints in the code of Ruby and the mapping file Rails RHTML. Platform support testing RSpec and Test:: Unit testing helps to organize the modules using a graphical environment for the tests. The presence of open application programming interface API allows you to create your own add-in Ruby or Java.

Key features:
? Means of effective editing and automatic code refactoring.
? Wide range of graphical tools to display the development process and the ability to quickly switch between the components.
? Comprehensive analysis of the code.
? Develop web-applications.
? Support platform testing RSpec and Test Unit.
? Using the user interface API.
? Support platform version control codes Subversion, Git, Perforce and CVS.

System requirements Windows:
Microsoft Windows Vista/2003/XP/2000
Intel Pentium III/800 MHz or higher (or compatible)
256 MB RAM minimum
1 GB RAM recommended
Ruby SDK version 1.8.x or higher
1024x768 minimum screen resolution

System requirements Mac OS:
Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) or MacOS X 10.5 (Leopard)
1.42 GHz G4, G5 or Intel-based Mac recommended
256 MB RAM minimum
1 GB RAM recommended
1024x768 minimum screen resolution
Ruby SDK version 1.8.x or higher

System requirements Linux:

Intel Pentium III/800 MHz or higher (or compatible)
256 MB RAM minimum
1 GB RAM recommended
1024x768 minimum screen resolution
Sun JDK 1.6
GNOME or KDE desktop
Ruby SDK version 1.8.x or higher

OS: WinAll
Language: English


Enjoy and Be a Mastermind!


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